Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Massive Consumerism

There is something extremely bothersome about two teenagers walking next to one another not talking. Why? Because they are on their brand-new full Qwerty keyboard-doting, touch screen, music-playing, more-megapixel-camera-than-my-actual-camera technological monstrosity.

What they don't realize is they are being bred as professional consumers. Society makes them want these things, but as soon as they have them, to want what's next. Where does it stop? When does choice become more detrimental to us than it is helpful? Is it when two teens text each other from two feet away instead of talking?

Watching my Grandfather die, the quality of life in his last moments were brought into question. Why are we waiting until the last moments of our lives to question our quality of living? I thought that was something we were supposed to be doing every moment we breathe. If I wake up and find my roof collapsed on me in the middle of the night which has caused severe pain in my ass region, correct me if you'd do differently, but I would try to remove the pain in my ass.

On one of the rare occasions that I sat down to enjoy (or so I thought) a bit of television, I came upon yet another reality show about sixteen-year-olds whose parents throw them birthday parties amassing huge amounts of money. My Super Sweet Sixteen follows bratty fifteen-year-olds whining about what dress and what band they want to play at their outrageous and gaudy displays of wasteful and unfulfillable lives. But is this their fault? I hear some criticize them for being whiney brats who don't appreciate anything, but as the more intelligent of our country recognize, the true fault is upon the moronic and spineless parents.

What's next is the effect this has had on our society. Can we pretend that teenagers texting hasn't had an effect on their emotions and their ability to have a normal (students of philosophy please forgive the use of 'normal') and healthy childhood? Texting someone and not receiving a text back, believe it or not, actually hurts emotionally. When did being a coward come into fashion? Why can't people just talk to each other. I miss those days...

But is this the sumation of our society as a whole? Are we all just bumbling idiots being herded into stores like sheep to the slaughter?

Perhaps I should let the professionals explain...

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